Themes of Symposium

1. Transport and Well-being  

This theme will focus on promoting well-being through sustainable transport. The topics include exploring how sustainable transport interventions contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and communities, focusing on physical, mental, economic, and social well-being. It may include cognitive analyses of transport services, such as community transport and smart transport.  

2. Transport, and Health and Happiness  

This theme will focus on enhancing health and happiness through sustainable transport. The topics include unravelling how sustainable transport interventions can make society and individuals healthier and happier. It may include behavioural analyses of active travel and the aged society.  

3. Transport and Livability/Quality of Life (QoL)  

This theme will focus on creating livable cities with improved quality of life through sustainable transport solutions. The topics include discussing strategies for building more livable urban environments and enhancing quality of life by prioritizing sustainable transportation solutions. Investigating how sustainable transport interventions affect livability and quality of life (QoL). It may include spatial analyses of urban accessibility and street design, such as the x-minute city and walkable streets.  

4. Transport, and Equity and Accessibility  

This theme will focus on fostering equity and accessibility (including social accessibility) in transportation. The topics include addressing how sustainable transport impacts the safety, affordability, equity and accessibility. Highlighting the need to ensure social inclusiveness, particularly marginalized communities, to promote social justice and bridge existing disparities.  

5. Transport, and Environmental Quality and Disaster Resiliency  

This theme will focus on safeguarding environmental quality and building disaster resilience frameworks. The topics include investigating how sustainable transport can contribute towards improving environmental quality and disaster resiliency of urban transport systems.  

6. Other aspects of Transport related to Livability and Quality of Life 

This theme will focus on exploring additional dimensions of livability and quality of life impacted by sustainable transport, such as investigating the role of technology in enhancing livability and quality of life through sustainable transport solutions, etc.